Keep right

Well ... not very much to say here ^^

Stupidity required: 8/10

Taking it to a hole new level

The first time i saw this it left me speechless. Then i actually realized the idiot actually typed d in the question. Good job out there ... keep'em coming.

Stupidity required: 9/10

Secret mind power

Choose a random place and wait. Randomly pick a passer by and try to use the power of your mind to make him/her do what you want (laugh stupidly, spit their gum ... ). According to the law of averages at some point one of your desires will come true so this will come as a self stimulant to convince you that you really have pshionic powers and waste even more time doing this.

Amusement potential: 5-10 minutes
Fun factor: 5/10
Stupidity required: 8/10

Funny fact #6

In 1386, a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child.