Secret mind power

Choose a random place and wait. Randomly pick a passer by and try to use the power of your mind to make him/her do what you want (laugh stupidly, spit their gum ... ). According to the law of averages at some point one of your desires will come true so this will come as a self stimulant to convince you that you really have pshionic powers and waste even more time doing this.

Amusement potential: 5-10 minutes
Fun factor: 5/10
Stupidity required: 8/10

Funny fact #6

In 1386, a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child.

Ultimate warning

A hamburger ... 4$, a pair of shoes ... 20$, .... the zoo security asking you to retrieve these items ..... priceless :D

Self portrait .... of the eye

I really dunno how stupid can someone actually be to do something like this. I mean heck i doubt she actually sees anything where she's looking. I dont even wanna think what the others who were there though about this stupidity pioneer.

Stupidity required: 8/10

Try not to think about lemons

Ignoring the high level of stupidity needed to do this it is actually quite hard, because if you try too much your mind remembers the thing you were trying to avoid thinking of. Then again if you dont really try you end up thinking about lemons anyway.

Amusement potential: 2-4 minutes
Fun factor: 6/10
Stupidity required: 6/10

Funny fact #5

You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.

Road surprises

Like what ??? loose aliens from area 51 lol

Bad combo ^^

-> Electric drill
-> Metal ladder
-> Pool of water
-> Bare feet

Good thing he's wearing safety goggles :D

Stupidity required: 9/10

Funny fact #4

80% of all pictures on the internet are of naked women.

The ultimate handsfree

This gizmo was invented for multiple reasons ranging from being able to drive ur car legaly while speaking to the latest spyng technology. When the ordinary man discovered this futuristic device he knew he had to have it. But as any other respectable human being he dint want to spend any money on it. So after many unsuccesfull tries to duplicate it he understood he had to keep it as simple as it can get to make it work. So without further introduction, the simplest, easiest to build handsfree device in the world.

Stupidity required: 5/10

Funny fact #3

You are more likely to get attacked by a cow than a shark.

What buddies are for ...

Holding ur legs fermly so u dont fall :D

Stupidity required: 8/10

Funny fact #2

Most alcoholic beverages contain all 13 minerals necessary to sustain human life.

How blondes print a word document

Blondes have always been special in their own way and are known for their high skill in creativity. Printing a word document the old fashion way using a printer is pretty fast however it does not give the same satisfaction nor is it as fun as doing it the blonde way.

Stupidity required: 10/10

Funny fact #1

California has issued at least 6 drivers licenses to people named Jesus Christ.

Limitless stupidity ...

Now the question is pretty straight forward. With a question like this, a reasonable person would only encounter any sort of difficulty if the answers were to some degree alike. Now if u take the moon and an elephant and compare them ull end up with an interesting yet scary fact: the moon is roughly 1500000 times bigger than the biggest elephant ever to have walked the face of the earth. So how on earth can u get this wrong. Well i could think of only 2 answers both of which implyng a high level of stupidity. The first is that she might not have heard about the moon, therefor not knowing what it was she assumed to be smaller -> stupid. The second could be that she missed the third answer which again points to stupidity especialy because the contest she was in had high stakes. Anyway this backs up the theory that stupidity has no limits.

Stupidity required: 10/10

Girl power in action :D

Girls, nature's way of proving nothing is impossible, have always pushed the boundaries of imagination further and further. The pc world was till recently ruled by men and it evolved very fast because we care more about whats in it and how fast it workes while the girls have little or no interest at all for this kind of things. They care more on how their little friend looks rather than what it can do. So of course when women's desires came to life, we all expected to be somewhat different but none expected to be this extreme. Then again nothing is impossible ^^.

Stupidity required: 4/10

Good old human nature :D

Human beings are well know throughout the universe for their versatility. We simply hate to waste time, but we do so to the degree where we do multiple things at a time. We all do it. But most of us choose proven combinations like learning which goes along just fine with just about everything else :D. Of course some of the more creative specimens of our planet decided sleep was a waste of time so they tried to combine it with another basic human need. The result is interesting as you cant really tell the percentage in which the 2 needs was satisfied.

Stupidity required: 8/10

Suicidal subway users ...

Going everyday to university using the subway you cant help noticing some very odd things. First the Bucuresti subway system is not designed with any kind of protection barriers except for a dotted line people theoretically shouldn't pass. Pointless in mentioning no1 actually cares about this and stands like inches away from the 40-60 km/h tram that enters the station ... i mean heck your not gonna let someone else enter before you because of some stupid rule. Another funny thing is when the door closing bip starts you normally shouldn't attempt to enter. After the bip the doors close in about 3-4 seconds. Plenty of time if you want a quick adrenaline rush. Apparently more and more people tend to want to feel life at its best and u end up with people jamming their heads/arms/legs/bags/kids in the tram door. Another shocking thing is that security will let anyone in aslong as they have a ticket (or they find another way in) even drunk people. To my surprise however there seem to be no major incident even though drunk people + no barrier is a ticking bomb.