Suicidal subway users ...

Going everyday to university using the subway you cant help noticing some very odd things. First the Bucuresti subway system is not designed with any kind of protection barriers except for a dotted line people theoretically shouldn't pass. Pointless in mentioning no1 actually cares about this and stands like inches away from the 40-60 km/h tram that enters the station ... i mean heck your not gonna let someone else enter before you because of some stupid rule. Another funny thing is when the door closing bip starts you normally shouldn't attempt to enter. After the bip the doors close in about 3-4 seconds. Plenty of time if you want a quick adrenaline rush. Apparently more and more people tend to want to feel life at its best and u end up with people jamming their heads/arms/legs/bags/kids in the tram door. Another shocking thing is that security will let anyone in aslong as they have a ticket (or they find another way in) even drunk people. To my surprise however there seem to be no major incident even though drunk people + no barrier is a ticking bomb.